Real Document is proud to present its California scannable fake ID, a high-quality product backed by years of experience in the business of creating fake IDs that can pass the strictest scrutiny. The California ID is one of the most sought-after fake IDs in the market, given how strict the state laws are. Our team of talented designers and engineers has used the latest technology to create the most authentic-looking California IDs, which are guaranteed to pass any scan or swipe test.
Our California scannable fake ID is made with attention to detail, using only the highest quality materials and printing techniques. Each ID comes with a combination of holograms, UV and Microprint that is unique to the state of California. Examples of some unique features we added include the multi-level laser perforation, the real OVI and the updated 2D barcode, which all come together to ensure that our customers can use their IDs worry-free anywhere in the state.
Our California fake ID is 100% accurate and scannable, which makes it perfect for use in clubs, bars, and any other entertainment spots where age restriction laws apply. The ID will give its users access to places where they wouldn’t be allowed otherwise. It also makes it easier for out-of-state students to get into California schools that have strict residency requirements.
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